
Kindergarten 私人上門 教授英語、Phonics英語拼音、寫作、 劍橋英文 Native English Tutor

We believe, by providing high quality organic baby clothes, we can protect he future of the world that our children will inherit.

We are a small cattery located in Hong Kong. We specialized in producing both Himalayan & Exotics, including colorpoint & lynx point. We are not a pet store and do not provide “stuck se

由英國老師教授,確保您的小朋友學習正確英國英語發音。針對幼兒的學習能力ability、需要needs和興趣interests,採用合適的教學方法(different approach)。免費試堂/評估,設計針對性及個人化的課程內容,包括Phonics, Early reading, Creative writing等。
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

British English Centre in Kowloon City. Over 10 successful years of teaching, including phonics, early reading, creative writing etc. Implementing different teaching approaches accordingly.
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

一房两厅連開放式廚房, 2分鐘到鵝頸橋街市,生活配套極度方便近在咫尺! 實用420尺,大廳大房大廚房!裝修包傢俬和電器,間隔實用,電器齊全,拎包即住!二十四小時保安,交通生活配套方便王安全!2分鐘到時代廣場,鵝頸橋街市,銅鑼灣地鐵站! 豪華裝修:設電視,洗衣機乾衣機,微波爐,消毒碗碟機,煮食爐,抽油煙機,濾水器,熱水煲,標準上下兩層雪櫃,吸塵機,真皮梳化,食飯枱, 電視櫃,書枱/梳妝台,冷氣機

Teachers maintain a current, vital connection with the work of BKS Iyengar. Students benefit from the high quality of instruction and personal attention

初中級網球訓練班馬鞍山 – 學生,青少年,兒童 馬鞍山,沙田,西貢,大埔 網球機 + 量化培訓 每小時 HKD 220 起 (連教練費用,網球,場租,免費使用網球機)
s運動及健身 / 球類運動shatintenniscoach

Wellness checks Wellness checks are our way of encouraging you as an owner to look at preventative medicine in a new way and not just rely on vaccination. Cats are notorious for masking their illness
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

provide one stop motor services to customers including new and used car retailing; car insurance; motor financing, auspicious car plate number; repair & maintenance services; supply of car parts

黃金地段銅鑼灣,禮頓道時代廣場,2分鐘到地鐵站,全東半山和跑馬地景觀! 一房两厅,一厕, 2分鐘到鵝頸橋街市,生活配套極度方便就在樓下! 實用420尺,大廳大房大廚房!裝修包傢俬和電器,間隔實用,電器齊全,拎包即住!交通生活配套方便!2分鐘到時代廣場,鵝頸橋街市,銅鑼灣地鐵站! 豪華裝修:設電視,洗衣機乾衣機,微波爐,消毒碗碟機,煮食爐,抽油煙機,濾水器,熱水煲,標準上下兩層雪櫃,吸塵機,真皮梳
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